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Welcome to ERAD 2024

Rome, 9-13 September

Dear participants

The biennial ERAD conference is an awaited occasion, within the radar community, to connect academia, industry, and weather services, in an international and dynamic environment that allows to boast the collaboration among scientists, engineers, and operational stakeholders.

The 12th European conference on RADar in meteorology and hydrology (ERAD 2024) edition will be held in  Rome and is organized by CNR-ISAC and Sapienza University of Rome (with the technical support of ER srls). Set in the historical Campus of Sapienza University of Rome, nestled in the heart of the city, this event is primed to deliver an unforgettable experience for attendees. Following the ERAD tradition, students and early-stage researchers will be able to attend the conference and the training courses, gaining insights from talks and poster presentations and presenting their studies and, above all, will be able to create connections interacting with the community to push forward knowledge in areas of research related to radar meteorology and hydrology.

Finally, ERAD 2024 represents a great opportunity for all scientists and weather services to engage with manufacturer’s experts to be aware of the latest technological advancements in weather radars and meteorological devices.

The ERAD 2024 conference will starts on Monday morning (9 September 2024) with a welcome note and a plenary session. The ERAD 2024 conference offers the flexibility of attendance, allowing participants to join remotely or be physically present at the Sapienza University of Rome Campus. The conference will cover the following topics:

– Clouds and precipitation physics

– Operational aspects  

– Weather radar and climate

– Weather Radar technologies  

– Radar hydrometeorological applications  

– Radar and society  

– Space borne clouds and precipitation radar  

We look forward to welcoming you soon!

Your Organizing Committee

Guidelines for participation

Participation modes. ERAD 2024 can be attended on-line or in presence. These two options have a different conference fee (to learn more about ERAD fees and the various options available go to the Registration page).  In case of remote attendance, the participants can follow and /or present both oral talks and posters (to learn more how to present the poster remotely go to Program web page).

Personal dashboard. Abstract submission, conference registration, and material upload (i.e. poster or oral presentation) will be managed through a personal dashboard available after a personal account activation (to start click here). The personal dashboard will be useful also for other activities such as to keep track of the abstract you authored or co-authored, to download invoices  and to provide information on the social events.       

Abstract rules. All participants can submit their short abstracts through the abstract web page. Each short abstract submitted will be charged by 50 €.  Abstract submission can be done as long as the “call for abstracts” remains open (see the important dates below in the Home page). Only abstracts that pass the revision process and are associated to at least a registered paying Author or Co-Author will be inserted in the final program. Note, each registered participant can be associated with at most two abstract as presenting Author (oral or poster. eg. two orals or two posters or one oral and one poster). Extended abstract is not mandatory but encouraged and this is free of charge. 

Be aware of important dates.  Be aware of the important dates at the Home page bottom before planning your ERAD2024 experience. 

Planned organization. Accepted abstracts will be categorized into 23 oral sessions and 3 poster sessions covering pertinent topics in the field, featuring keynotes, and lectures. Posters will be on display throughout the conference week with 3 rotations and can be viewed also on-line.

Conference fee.Fee will be decided after short abstract submission closes to have a reliable financial breakeven. There will be the possibility for an on-line mode participation with some flexibility in switching from on-line to in-presence attendance.  More details will follows.

Important dates

1 February 2024Abstract submission openParticipants submit short abstract with fee (a conference account need to be created before the submission)

extended to

12 April 2024

Short Abstract submission closes 
22 April 2024Registration OpenParticipants starts registering  paying the conference fee
20 May 2024Notification of acceptance 
 31 May 2024Programme pubblicationConference programme is posted
1 June 2024Upload material opensParticipants can start uploading oral or poster material
14 June 2024Early bird registration closes 

(15 July 2024)

extended to 30 August

Poster Printing request closes 
 20 July 2024Registration closes
(for on-site mode only)
It not possible to register to attend the conference on-site and it is not possible to apply for the on-site upgrade. Registration to attend the conference on-line is always possible.
30 August 2024Extended Abstract submission closesParticipants have the faculty to submit an extended abstract up to this date
 9 September 2024Erad 2024 starts 

Program committee

Aurora Bell; Australian Bureau of Meteorology, Chair ERAD 2010

Alexis Berne; École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, chair of ERAD 2022

Chandrasekar V.; Colorado State University, US

Urs Germann; MeteoSwiss, Switzerland, chair of ERAD 2022

Hidde Leijnse; KNMI, Netherlands, chair of ERAD 2018

Dmitri Moissev; University of Helsinki, Finland

Efrat Morin; The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Daniel Michelson; Environment and Climate Change Canada, Canada  (chair of ERAD 2004,  chair of WMO Joint Expert Team on Operational Weather Radar, JET-OWR)

Djordje Mirkovic; NOAA, US

James Kurdzo; Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory

Kurtuluş Öztürk; Turkish State Meteorological Service, Turkey (chair of ERAD 2016)

Daniel Sempere Torres; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain (chair of ERAD 2006)

Remko Uijlenhoet; Delft University of Technology , Netherlands (chair of ERAD 2018)

Miguel Rico-Ramirez; University of Bristol, UK

Silke Troemel; Universität Bonn, Germany

Annakaisa Von Lerber; Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland (chair of EUMETNET-OPERA)

Organizing committee

Luca Baldini (CNR-ISAC), Co-chair

Nazzareno Pierdicca (Sapienza University of Rome), Co-chair

Mario Montopoli (CNR-ISAC), Co-chair

Francesco Napolitano (Sapienza University of Rome)

Elisa Adirosi (CNR-ISAC)

Alessandro Bracci (CNR-ISAC)

Technical partner

ER srls