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Our program


To download the program click here.

The conference sessions will cover the following topics:

Clouds and precipitation physics  (Radar polarimetry, multisensory/multiplatform campaigns, particle size distribution, snow characterization, hail estimation and extreme event characterization)

Operational aspects  (Operational weather radar systems, networking, end-user applications and pilot projects, data quality and calibration) 

Weather radar and climate  (Long term radar datasets, their preservation and analysis)  

Weather Radar technologies (Electronic steering antennas, exploring new frequency bands, transmitter technologies, signal processing, software suites)

Radar hydrometeorological applications (Quantitative precipitation estimation, nowcasting, data assimilation in weather forecasts, predictability of extreme weather.)  

Radar and society (Weather radar in supporting emergency management and in climate adaptation strategies. Training initiatives)

Space borne clouds and precipitation radar (Ongoing and new missions using radar for cloud and precipitation measurements, preparation campaigns and cal/val activities)

Oral list

Following there is the list of the oral presentations in the different days. Click on the day to see the list (updated 6  September 2024):

Monday 09 September 2024 (DAY 1)

Tuesday 10 September 2024 (DAY2)

Wednesday 11 September 2024 (DAY 3)

Thursday 12 September 2024 (DAY 4)

Friday 13 September 2024 (DAY 5)

The full list of the Oral presentations is availabe here. Note that the latest update reports the Abstract ID of each presentati

Poster list

Following there is the list of the Poster presentations in the different days. Click on the day to see the list (updated 6 September 2024):

Tuesday 10 September 2024 (DAY2)

Wednesday 11 September 2024 (DAY 3)

Thursday 12 September 2024 (DAY 4)

The full list of the Poster presentations is availabe here. Please note that the latest update reports the Abstract ID of each poster.

Training Courses


Call for training courses closed on 20 March 2024.


Training courses will be held on Sunday 8  September 2024. Lecturers will be on site; however, the majority of the courses will be in hybrid mode (on-line and in presence).  Keep it in mind when proceeding with registration options.

The fee for training courses is set to 100 €  for early registration (before 14 June 2024) and 130 € for late registration (before 20 July 2024).

Participants have the possibility to pay for a training course during the registration process for  ERAD2024 using the  procedure accessibile from the registration page.

Four training courses will be offered during ERAD2024; click on the  course title for all the specific information on the course:

Social events

We are pleased to announce that the following social events are scheduled as part of the ERAD 2024 social program:

Walking/Bike Tour

The tours will commence at 14:30 and conclude around 17:30. The meeting point for your selected tour will be communicated via email and announced during the conference.

Social Dinner
The dinner will be held at 20:00 at Hostaria Antica Roma, located at Via dell’Appia Antica 176. Private buses will transport attendees to the restaurant, departing from Viale Castro Pretorio at 19:00, close to the “Castro Pretorio” station of Metro B, at walking distance from the conference venue.

After dinner, buses will return to Viale Castro Pretorio. The first bus will depart around 22:00, with the last one leaving around 23:00. Each bus will depart once it is full (approximately 40 people). The journey from the restaurant to Viale Castro Pretorio will take between 20 and 30 minutes.

Please note that Viale Castro Pretorio is served by the Metro B line, with the last train departing from the terminus at 23:30. Due to scheduled maintenance lasting December, Metro A will close at 21:00 during the week of ERAD 2024. Substitute buses are available after the metro’s closing time. Additionally, please note that Metro A station “Spagna” is closed till October 3.