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ERAD 2024feedback


ERAD 2024 conference was successfully concluded! 

During the conference there were: 221 posters exposed, 165 talks, 6 Keynotes plus one from the winner of Gutta Aurea
award as well as 4 training courses. 

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all 423 participants, including 46 online attendees, as well as the invited guests and exhibitors. A special thanks to the presenters, technica staff, training course teachers and exhibitors and sponsors. Thanks also to Sapienza University of Rome for their hospitality. 

We were honored to have representatives from 39 countries and to share this remarkable experience together.

We thank the speakers to share their oral and poster presentations that are available hereTo search for a presentation type “O” for oral or “P” for poster, followed (without any separation space) by abstract ID (as listed in the official program, right side). Once the searched abstract pop up, click on it to see the abstract text. In the same page, click to the button “Visualizza il poster” on the right side to get access to the  oral or poster presentation that you selected.

We have pubblished the Book of Abstract and the Book of Extended Abstracts on Zenodo. 

The Book of Abstract is available on Zenodo here and can be also downloaded here. While the Book of Extended Abstract is available on Zenodo here and can be also downloaded here


– Baldini, L., Montopoli, M., Adirosi, E., Bracci, A., Napolitano, F., & Pierdicca, N. (2024, dicembre 23). 12th European conference on RADar in meteorology and hydrology. Book of Abstracts. 12th European conference on Radar in meteorology and hydrology (ERAD 2024), Città Universitaria Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy.
– Baldini, L., Montopoli, M., Adirosi, E., Bracci, A., Napolitano, F., & Pierdicca, N. (2024, dicembre 23). 12th European conference on RADar in meteorology and hydrology. Book of Extended Abstracts. 12th European conference on Radar in meteorology and hydrology (ERAD 2024), Città Universitaria Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy.