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Poster and Oral upload

As presenting Author of an oral presentation, we ask you to upload your presentation (i.e., pptx or pdf) that will be shown during the scheduled session (see instructions below). In this case the deadline for the uploading is the day before (at 19:00 local time) you are scheduled to present, in order to allow the proper organization of the oral presentations at the PC on the stage.

As presenting on-site Author of a poster presentation we kindly ask you to upload a pdf version of your poster, in order to allow ERAD 2024 on-line attendees to take a look of your poster. ERAD 2024 organizer will arrange a read-only folder with all the available posters of a given poster session that can be viewed by on-line attendees during poster sessions. In this case the deadline for the uploading is 8 September 2024.

As presenting on-line Author of a poster presentation you have to upload a pdf version of your poster in order to allow ERAD 2024 organizer to print it and locate it to a poster pedestal during the scheduled poster session. In this case the deadline for the uploading is 30 August 2024.

Furthermore, at the end of the conference, we would like to publish poster and oral presentations on the ERAD 2024 website under CC-BY4.0 license. We will publish all the presentations uploaded on our system. If you disagree with the publication on the ERAD 2024 website, please email

Remember that you can delete or overwrite the uploaded files at any time and for the number of times you wish, but do not forget to upload the final version before the given deadline. 

We remind you that this functionality is available only if you are registered for the ERAD 2024 conference.

To upload materials

    1. Go to log in with the credentials you used for conference registration. Then, your personal dashboard should open.
    2. Click on “summary” from your dashboard in the center of the page.
    3. Select the “upload documents” blue button at the bottom of the summary page. Then you will be redirected to a new web page where you’ll be able to upload files for the abstracts for which you are the presenting author only.
    4. Click on “upload file” in the left sidebar and then on the green button “Send a new file”. A drop-down menu will appear with the list of the abstracts for which you are the presenting author
    5. Select the abstract title for which you want to upload a contribution and follow the instructions to browse files from your local PC (max size 50MB; file formats allowed: .pdf, .mp3, .ppt, .pptx, .mp4). Then, wait for the file to upload and click on “send” button. Your file is correctly uploaded. To verify that, the fields “Date added” and “file name” in the list of uploaded files must be filled (it doesn’t matter if the file you uploaded has been renamed).

Poster Preparation

Poster size should correspond to portrait A0 format, 841 mm wide and 1190 mm tall (i.e 33 x 47 inches).

Poster Printing service

The poster printing is included in the ERAD2024 registration fee for the online attendees. While we can provide a poster printing service for the on-site attendees. The cost of the service is 35 euros per poster that can be paid via credit card or bank transfer. To have your poster printed by the ERAD2024 team, please send the poster to no later than 30 August 2024 The poster has to be in a pdf file. The object of the email should report the ERAD2024 the day of presentation (DAY 2, Day 3, or DAY 4) and the number associated to your poster in the poster list of the day scheduled for the presentation, while in the email main text report the name of the presenting author and the poster title for a double check.

Extended abstract submission

To submit an. extended abstract, you can send it to The object of the email should report the ERAD 2024 topic correlated to the abstract, the day and the number of the session in which the contribution is scheduled (for example, Clouds and precipitation physics, day 1, session 2). Extended abstract  (download word format here) must not exceed 5 pages (figure, title and author list included). The deadline for the submission of an extended abstract is 30 August 2024. Submission of extended abstracts is not mandatory but is encouraged and free of charge. The collection of ERAD 2024 abstracts and extended abstracts will be published on the ERAD 2024 website under CC BY 4.0 license and later deposited in a permanent repository freely accessible and identified by a unique DOI.

Training Courses

Training courses will be held on Sunday 8  September 2024. The course Venue will be the Best Western Plus Hotel Universo**** ( Via Principe Amedeo 5/b, Rome (near Termini Train Station and the ERAD 2024 venue). Wi-fi will be available in the course room.

Following the schedule of the activated training courses:

9.00 – 13.00

Advanced Waveform Design and Optimization Techniques; An application to pulse compression in weather radar systems

14.00 –  19.00

Modern Dual-polarization Radar Networks: Design, Deployment, Considerations, and Enhanced Applications 

09.00  – 19.00

Open Radar – Open Source Software Tools for Radar Data Processing

09.00 – 19.00

Under the Hood – How Signal Processing in the WSR-88D Provides the Best Quality Data

More information on the topic and lecturers of the training courses are available clicking on the title of the course.

Poster sessions

Posters will be presented in an hybrid mode at ERAD 2024.

On-site Authors will show their poster as usual. However, in order to allow the on-line attendees to take a look to all the poster presented during the poster sessions, we kindly ask to the on-site Authors to upload a pdf version of their poster before 8 September 2024, so that we can arrange a cloud folder in only-read mode where the on-line attendees can visualize the posters.

On-line Authors have to upload a pdf of their poster in the ERAD 2024 system before 30 August 2024. The ERAD 2024 organizers will print the poster and locate it to a poster pedestal during the scheduled poster session. Each poster of on-line Authors will be associated with a QR code that will be printed and put on the poster corner so that the on-site attendees can scan the QR code with their mobile or laptop to get in touch with the on-line poster presenter in a zoom virtual room. Also on-line attendees can be in touch with on-line poster presenters through a dedicated link.

For the material upload see instruction above.