Venue & Travel info
ERAD 2024 will be hosted in the Campus (Città Universitaria) of Sapienza University of Rome (Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5), Rome, Italy.
The conference will use the Aula Magna (the main auditorium, with about 600 seats) for the plenary sessions and the Aula Archeologia for the parallel sessions (around 200 seats) in a separate building close to the Aula Magna. Refreshments, and exhibitions will be organized in same building of the Aula Magna, while poster sessions will be hosted in the fascinating nearby Museum of Classical Art of Sapienza.
Following a descriptive map of the ERAD 2024 rooms, a video to reach the Aula Magna from the main entrance of Sapienza Campus (Piazzale Aldo Moro 5) and the google maps with the Sapienza Campus location.

Pills on ERAD 2024 Venue
The main Sapienza Campus, the “Città universitaria,” was designed by Architect Marcello Piacentini and inaugurated in 1935. It’s a true city within the city where educational activities are integrated with administrative and reception structures, library services and museums.
The main auditorioum, Aula Magna, is the institutionally most important space of the Sapienza university. The 900 square meter room is characterized by an apsidal tribune defined by a curved wall with the mural “L’Italia tra le Arti e le Scienze” (Italy between the arts and scince) by Mario Sironi, a leading exponent of the Italian painting of XX century. The work, realised in just over three months, represents an epic vision of history, with the personification of Fascist Italy amidst the symbolic images of the humanities and sciences. The scene, set in a timeless dimension, is composed of monumental figures arranged on the sides of Italy: Botany, Geology, Mineralogy, Geography, Painting, Architecture, Sculpture, Law and Literature. Figures that collectively allude to the richness and value of knowledge, against a rocky backdrop dominated by the imposing figure of Winged Victory. With the fall of Fascism, the painting was concealed with sheets of wallpaper glued and nailed to the pictorial surface. In 1950, the mural was almost entirely repainted in order to eliminate the fascist symbols and cancel the Sironian stylistic matrix of the work. After two years of work the painting was restaurated to show again the original colours and style of the Sironi. The restaurated painting has been visible again since 2017.
Museum of Classical Art hosts over 1200 plaster casts of works of Greek sculpture (originals and copies from the Roman era) in show in museums and collections all over the world. Originally named “Plaster Museum”, it was founded by Emanuel Löwy, appointed as professor of Archeology and History at Sapienza in 1889, who worked to create a collection of casts of Greek sculptures originals and Roman copies, on the model of the university plaster cast galleries which in Europe – especially in Germany – had arisen as indispensable teaching and research tools. The collection of plasters was hosted in several buildings in Rome, to be moved around 1930 in the basement rooms of the building intended for the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, the same ones it still occupies.
Travelling to
The Sapienza Campus is very well connected with public transports.
By airplane
From Fiumicino (FCO) airport. You have three options from Fiumicino airport to get the termini train station in Rome.
Option 1. Take the special train “Leaonardo express” from Fiumicino train station in the airoport to Termini train station (about 50 min). Check fares and times at https://www.trenitalia.com/it/treni_regionali/lazio/leonardo_express.html . From Termini follows the instructions given at “by train, from stazione Termini”.
Option 2. Take a ordinary local train from Fiumicino train station in the airoport to “Orte” and Stop at Stazione Tiburtina (about 1 h). From Tiburtina follows the instructions given at “by train, from stazione Tiburtina”.
Option 3. Private Terravision bus is a direct connection between the Fiumicino airport and Termini train station. Check tickets and schedules at https://www.terravision.eu/#
From Ciampino Airport. Уou have two options to reach the city centre.
Option 1. Airlink is the bus+train solution from Ciampino airport to Termini train station. (https://www.trenitalia.com/it/treni_regionali/lazio/ciampino-airlink.html). A bus runs every 10 min from the forecourt in front of the airport to Ciampino train station. From there, you can take a train to get Termini train station in about 40 min. Check train schedule and costs at https://www.trenitalia.com/en.html
Option 2. Private Terravision bus is a direct connection between the Ciampino airport and Termini train station. Check tickets and schedules at https://www.terravision.eu/#
By train
From Termini train station: Termini train station is 18 min (1.4 km) walking distance to Sapienza Campus. Alternatively, you can take bus n. 310, 649 or use the underground,blue line B from Termini and stop to “Castro Pretorio” (only 1 stop). However, from Castro Pretorio, you have to walk for 1 km.
From Tiburtina train station: you can get the underground, blue line B to Castro Pretorio (3 stops) stop and then you have to walk for 1 km. Otherwise, you can stop to Termini and take bus n. 310, 649.
By taxi
Different available options to take a taxi in Rome are reported, along with the usefull phone numbers, at https://www.060608.it/en/trasporti/muoversi-in-citta/in-taxi
September in Rome is high season for tourism and for this reason although we contacted several hotels, none of them was available to provide us a special reservation price.
We only got the opportunity to have a 5% discount for the ERAD participants in the Hotel Alpi. If you are interest in this opportunity, please write an email to info@erad2024.it and we will provide the promotion code that can be used to activate the discount.
However, Rome is full of different accommodation options but advance booking is recommended to find the one that best fit all your needs.