Topicsand workshops
Check the submitted topics
- Microphysics
- Particle size distributions
- Precipitation physics
- Orographic precipitation
- Climatological studies
- Hydrometeor classification
- Solid precipitation
- Hail
- Mesoscale weather
- Quantitative precipitation estimation QPE
- Radar and raingauge integration
- Nowcasting of precipitation
- Nowcasting of convection and thunderstorms
- Hydrological applications
- Nowcasting of debris flows and flash floods
- NWP data assimilation
- NWP verification
- End-to-end applications
- Birds, insects, volcano ashes, wild fire and other non-meteorological targets
Radar Processing
- Doppler and wind
- Spectral processing
- Advanced radar signal processing
- Synergetic use of data from different sources
- Artificial intelligence
- Big data approaches
Data quality
- Data quality and error structure
- Clutter suppression
- Uncertainty modelling and propagation
- Verification of radar data using conventional and novel reference data (eg crowd sourcing)
Engineering and operations
- Hardware calibration and hardware monitoring
- Radar engineering
- New transmitter, receiver, antenna solutions
- Renewal and deployment of radar systems
- Operational radar networks
- Radar deployment for field experiments
- Interferences (wind turbine, electromagnetic)
- Networking and mosaicking
- New and emerging radar technologies
- Multi-frequency radar
- Phased-array radars
- Millimeter wavelength radars
- Space-borne radars
- Airborne radars